How to Join

Applications for affiliation or associate status must be submitted to an Admissions Committee c/o the Secretary General (, whose decisions are subject to ratification at the Triennial Congress, but which has a discretionary power to provisionally admit a society subject to Congress ratification. You will find information on the requirements for organizational membership in the Constitution, Chapter 2 Article IV.

Individuals may apply for membership at any time and be admitted on payment of the annual membership fee.

Individual Membership of IAW includes an annual subscription to the International Women’s News. Members also receive the e-Newsletter and having the right to submit commentary for IWA’s Blog on this website, as well as having privileged access to the internal web forum:

IAW flyer:

IAW Constitution: Complete Text

International Women’s News

International Women’s News is an open forum for information and opinion on matters of importance to women, published three times a year by the International Alliance of Women, the Editors being Priscilla Todd (English) and Mathilde Duval (French).

Items for publication in the IWN in English should be sent to Priscilla Todd, P.O. Box 8739, Armadale, Vic 3143, Australia.

Individual Membership of IAW includes an annual subscription to the International Women’s News. To join please fill out name and address below and send with €20 (Euro), or in convertible currency, to the Treasurer, Þorbjörg Inga Jónsdóttir: Hamratangi 1, 270 Mosfellsbaer, Iceland.

For membership inquiries, change of address, sample copies and back numbers, contact the Membership Officer, Pat Richardson, P.O. Box 380, Nambucca Heads, NSW 2448, Australia. Tel: 612 6568 6239

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Individual Membership Subscription Form
Fiche d’adhesion membres individuels

Name/Nom: .................................................................
Address/Addresse: .................................................................
Tel: ...........................................
Fax: ...........................................
Email: ...........................................