IAW Book Nook

Featuring works by IAW Authors, member organisations or publications dealing with topics from the Action Programme.

Mechanism for Advancing Women's Rights

Guide to Using the CEDAW Optional Protocol & Other International Complaint Mechanisms
ISBN 978-1-921449-19-2, Australian Human Rights Commission 2011

This is a practical guide for lawyers, advocates and women experiencing violations of their rights on how to use the Optional Protocol to CEDAW and other international complaint mechanisms to seek redress for alleged violations of women’s human rights.

Direct Link to Full 108-Page Publication: Download

Women's Rights In Africa

Women's Rights in Afica - Manual on a multi-sectral approach
Florence Butegwa; Taaka Awori
UN Women, 2010

Even though many African governments have ratified international and regional human rights treaties and have made commitments to respect, promote and protect women’s rights and to eliminate discrimination against women, the translation of these commitments into national laws, policies and programmes remains a challenge. As a response, UN Women has developed this manual as a methodological tool to promote the adoption and use of a multi-sectoral approach to achieve women’s rights.

Direct Link to Full 107-Page Publication: Download

Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Guide for Nonprofits
Heather Mansfield
ISBN-13: 9780071770811, McGraw-Hill, 2011.

Based on more than 15 years of experience in nonprofit communications and 15,000+ hours spent utilizing social and mobile media, this book is a comprehensive 256-page hardcover book packed with more than 100 best practices covering Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0 nonprofit communications and fundraising. From building an e-newsletter list to finding a “Twitter voice” to launching a mobile website and texting campaign on a small budget, this guide presents a step-by-step strategic plan for launching and maintaining successful social media and mobile marketing campaigns. (Available in hard copy and on Kindle)

Women and health: today’s evidence tomorrow’s agenda

Despite considerable progress in the past decades, societies continue to fail to meet the health care needs of women at key moments of their lives, particularly in their adolescent years and in older age. The report provides the latest and most comprehensive evidence available to date on women's specific needs and health challenges over their entire life-course. The report includes the latest global and regional figures on the health and leading causes of death in women from birth, through childhood, adolescence and adulthood, to older age.

Download and/or order the report
Download summary [pdf 497kb]


Les femmes et la santé: La réalité d’aujourd’hui, le programme de demain

Ce rapport apporte les informations les plus récentes et les plus complètes disponibles à ce jour sur les besoins spécifiques des femmes en matière de santé tout au long de leur vie. Il fournit notamment les chiffres mondiaux et régionaux concernant les principales causes de décès chez les femmes.

Téléchargez le rapport et son résumé d’orientation
Commander le rapport sur les femmes et la santé [pdf 497kb]


Handbook for Legislation on Violence Against Women
ISBN 978-92-1-130290-5
Copyright © United Nations, 2009

The adoption and enforcement of national laws to address and punish all forms of violence against women and girls, in line with international human rights standards, is one of the five key outcomes which the Secretary-General’s campaign “UNiTE to End Violence against Women” aims to achieve in all countries by 2015.

In May 2008, the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDAW/DESA) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) organized an expert group meeting in Vienna, Austria, on good practices in legislation on violence against women. In 2009, based on the work of the expert group meeting in Vienna, UNDAW/DESA developed a Handbook for Legislation on Violence against Women, with a foreword by Deputy Secretary-General, Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro. It intends to provide all stakeholders with detailed guidance to support the adoption and effective implementation of legislation which prevents violence against women, punishes perpetrators, and ensures the rights of survivors everywhere.

Download the Handbook [pdf 815kb]
Téléchargez le Manuel [pdf 815kb]


Among the Chosen: The life story of Pat Giles
by Lekkie Hopkins and Lynne Roarty with a foreword by Joan Kirner & Cheryl Davenport

This is the story of the Hon. President of the IAW, whose determination never faltered, whose work ethic never flagged, the story of an activist working from within the established order to effect social change. On 26 January 2010, Pat Giles was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for services to the community in the interests of women.


European Gender Equality Law Review – No.2/2009

In this fourth issue of the European Gender Equality Law Review several experts via their individual contributions, the independent experts of the European Network of Legal Experts in the field of Gender Equality highlight interesting developments at national level.

Direct Link to Full 106-Page Publication: Download
Also available en Francais & auf Deutsch:  Download


Integrated Solutions To The Water, Agriculture & Climate Crises
by Shiney Varghese Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy Heinrich Boell Stiftung – North America

“The dramatic convergence of multiple crises – global warming, hunger and depletion of natural resources such as water – compels us to challenge the dominant industrial agriculture model and consider a new way forward.....”

Women at the Center
“One cannot talk about the food, climate or water crises without talking about women and children. Women are the keepers of water in varying parts of the world. In many places they are responsible for getting it and using it for the multiple needs of their families, both in rain-fed and irrigated farming systems. They are particularly affected by the quality and reliability of local water sources. Yet, they often lack any control over water management because of their social status.”

Direct Link to Full 22-Page 2009 Report: Download


Strengthening Understanding Of Femicide; Using Research To Galvanize Research And Accountability

This publication provides an overview of a conference on femicide convened jointly by PATH, the Inter-American Alliance for the Prevention of Gender-based Violence (InterCambios), the Medical Research Council of South Africa (MRC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) in Washington, DC, April 14-16, 2008. The conference brought together activists, researchers, and forensic professionals from 13 countries, with the aim of identifying common ground for strengthening research and galvanizing global action to prevent femicide and end the impunity so often granted to perpetrators.

Direct Link to Full 120-Page 2009 Document: Download


2009 Gender Report Card On The International Criminal Court

The Gender Report Card analyses the institutional developments at the ICC (International Criminal Court) during 2009, as well as the Court’s substantive work. The review of the ICC’s substantive work includes a summary of the investigation and prosecution strategy of the Office of the Prosecutor, analysis of key judicial decisions particularly on issues affecting victims and witnesses, and the work of the Registry and Trust Fund for Victims. The 2009 Gender Report Card contains a new section on trial proceedings that highlights testimony by victims of sexual violence in the ICC’s first trial. The Gender Report Card 2009 provides the most comprehensive gender analysis of the ICC currently available.

Direct Link to 168-Page 2009 Report by Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice:


Women, Aging, and Health: A Framework for Action
Focus on Gender
World Health Organisation

Direct Link to Full 60-Page Report: Download


Journal Of Middle East Women’s Studies
Edited by Nancy Gallagher and Sondra Hale

JMEWS advances the fields of Middle East Women’s studies, gender studies, and Middle East studies through contributions from multiple disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. It is the official publication of the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies (AMEWS).
ISSN: 1552-5864     E-ISSN: 1558-9579


The Means Of Reproduction: Sex, Power, And The Future Of The World

“In this groundbreaking work of investigative journalism by the author of The New York Times bestseller Kingdom Coming, Michelle Goldberg exposes a global battle over women’s reproductive rights that pits reformers against an international alliance of fundamentalists, with profound consequences for both individual lives and worldwide development.”
– Michelle Goldberg


Insiste, Resiste, Persiste, Existe: Women’s Human Rights Defenders’ Security Strategies
by Jane Barry and Vahida Nainar is presented by Front Line, the Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights and Kvinna Till Kvinna.

It introduces the concept of ‘integrated security’ – coined by Colombian activists and echoed by other WHRDs across the world: a concept that challenges us all to redefine the militarized, disconnected concept of ‘security’ and recognize that integrated security is about feeling safe in all aspects of our lives – from our ability to feed our families to speaking freely about our governments.

Direct Link to Full 100-Page Document: Download


Who Answers To Women? Gender And Accountability

Strengthening accountability for commitments made by governments will be vital to achieving gender equality and women’s rights, according to a report released 20 February 2009 by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM). The report pointed to vast gaps in accountability between men and women, which lead to weakened participation of women in the formal sector.

Direct Link to UNIFEM Report: Download

Women’s Libraries

Australia: National Women’s Library www.jessiestreetwomenslibrary.com
Germany: Frauenbibliothek Saar www.frauenbibliothek-saar.de/d_index.htm
Hamburger Frauenbibliothek www.hamburger-frauenbibliothek.de
Netherlands: IIAV www.iiav.nl
Switzerland: schema f-frauenlesbenbibliotheken schema-f.fembit.ch/s_fframe.htm
Turkey: The Women’s Library and Information Center Foundation www.archimac.org/Organizations/KEK.spml
United Kingdom: The Women’s Library www.thewomenslibrary.ac.uk
Glasgow Women’s Library www.womens-library.org.uk/
United States of America: The Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America www.radcliffe.harvard.edu/schles