Newsletters 2004

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Newsletters - 2004

December 2004

In this newsletter the main theme is Peace and the role of women since the 1325 Resolution of the Security Council four years ago. Despite setbacks, women have shown their strength to handle peace keeping and peace building in sometimes threatening situations. In politics, with quotas, in networks, in legally binding treaties. A lot has still to be done but - we have joined hands to overcome!

Also in this newsletter news about the World Dignity Day, the online discussion Beijing+10, HIV and Young Women, and last but not least: an opportunity to buy a green/yellow IAW centennial scarf.

November 2004

In this newsletter you will find the input of four of the seven IAW commissions: CEDAW - Health - Environment and, as an attachment, Violence and Trafficking. They are all well worth reading. But let’s start first with IAW’s 8th Commission: the revival of the IAW Commission on Peace! Please join the online discussion on the Platform for Action of Beijing+10. It is a preparation for the Commission on the Status of Women in February/March 2005. It is meant for women worldwide.

October 2004

After most enjoyable festivities in Berlin, the city where IAW started its hundred years campaign for women’s vote and equal rights, most of us travelled by train to Freiburg, where the business side of the IAW Congress was to be completed. The result of the deliberations are to be found in the Presidential letter on You will be pleasantly surprised: a lot has been accomplished! In this newsletter we look at different aspects of the environment and sustainable development, an issue that is in a way ‘bigger than life’.

August 2004

This will be the last newsletter before the Centenary with the Programme for Berlin. Watch out for a FLASH with the latest news about the Centenary coming to you at the beginning of September. Lots of news in this newsletter about the preparation of the Review of Beijing+10. The women’s movement is preparing for this event all over the world!

July 2004

The programme of the Centenary is getting into the last stage of preparation, with urgent requests for IAW members to send in registration forms, articles, resolutions and subjects of special interest as soon as possible. The organisers will be very happy to receive your input! In this newsletter are examples of other online newsletters. The IAW newsletter started in 1998 as one of the first to provide news electronically for women. Now there are many, many more, sending electronic messages concerning women into cyberspace. You will find some interesting ones at the end of this newsletter.

Also in this newsletter, news of women around the world, books, events and a special plea from IAW Affiliate ADDEM, whose region has been hit by a catastrophe.

May 2004

At the CSW March we discussed Article 1325 about including more women in conflict prevention and building up peace processes. Women were so full of hope after reaching consensus. However, every day we hear and read about the terrible situation in Iraq, in Gaza, in the Sudan - when will this mad brutality ever stop? Surely this must be discussed at our Jubilee Congress with a view to issuing a media release internationally.

March 2004

From now on the newsletter will inform you every time about the progress of the IAW centenary - it is a review - it is a new start and it is fun! In this newsletter the three questions the Greek League of Women’s Rights asked the political parties during election time, a report of an exciting project in South Africa and a personal impression of the happenings at the Commission of the Status of Women. The usual list with books and events you will find at the end. And again one of the moving stories concerning women from our special correspondent Anjana Basu, India.

February 2004

In this newsletter our Centenary Celebrations are highlighted. We focus on tools and mechanisms to speed up gender-balance: Laws for equal rights, like the All India Women’s Conference has put in motion in the past; Special measures in a yearly continuing process by CEDAW today; Quotas, as a tool for gender-balance in politics and laws again and networking; The banning of inhuman practices like female genital mutilation.

January 2004

The IAW Editing Committee wishes our electronic readers a happy and prosperous 2004, in a world where peace and wisdom will hopefully prevail!

We start 2004 with looking at the IAW Centenary, in particular the IAW objectives during a hundred years - they are still standing straight. You will find IAW members fighting for those objectives in CEDAW, in the AIWC and also in WSIS. Gender equality ranks high on the international agendas - we also have to tackle ”gender mainstreaming” in the World Conference of Women.

At the end of this newsletter you will find the usual data of conferences, events, URLs, books etc Our special correspondent from India tells us in her story: mind election time. That’s the right time to put forward your ideas about implementing women’s equal rights!