My Voice, My Choice

For Safe And Accessible Abortion

Support women’s reproductive rights with us!

Countless lives and livelihoods are ended, disrupted, and lost because of lack of access to safe abortion in many EU countries.

This must stop.

The “My Voice, My Choice” calls all European feminists to sign the European Citizens’ Initiative advocating for right to safe and legal abortion.Together we can make women’s lives freer, safer, and better; wherever they live in our union, whatever conditions they may find themselves in.

The lack of access to abortion in many parts of Europe not only puts women at risk of physical harm but also puts undue economic and mental stress on women and families, often on the margins of society that can afford it the least.

Sign the initiative here:

And please share the signature link with your network!

We thank Eekku Aromaa, Secretary Generral of our Affiliate Naisasialiitto Unioni, for the impetus to give this initiative a larger forum.


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