Publications on IAW

Peters, Marijke & SElf, Helen:  International Alliance of Women 1904 – 2004
IAW Centenary Edition 1904-2004 (web version)

Deutsch Regine: The International Suffrage Alliance. Its history 1904 – 1929
IAW 1929 IWSA 25th Anniversary Booklet

Feinberg, Harriet (ed) 1996: Aletta Jacobs. Memories. My Life as International Leader in Health, Suffrage, and Peace.  The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, translated by Annie Wright 1996.

Everard, Myriam and de Haan, Francisca (eds): Rosa Manus (1881-1942)- The International Life and Legacy of a Jewish Dutch Feminist, 2016

Basu, Aparna and Ray, Bharaty (2003) : Women’s Struggle. A History of the All India Women’s Conference, 1927-2002. Manohar

Malathi de Alwis, Kumari Jayawardena: Casting Pearls. The Women’s Franchise Movement in Sri Lanka. Social Scientists’ Association. 2001.

Auður Styrkársdóttir: From Feminism to Class Politics. The Rise and Decline of Women’s Politics in Reykjavik, 1908-1922. Umeå University, Department of Political Science, 1998.

Leila J. Rupp: Worlds of Women. The Making of an International Women’s Movement. Princeton University Press. 1997.

Adele Schreiber, Margaret Mathieson: Journey towards Freedom. Written for the Golden Jubilee of the International Alliance of Women. IAW, Denmark, 1955.

Susanne Hertrampf: “Zum Whole der Menschheit“. Feministisches Denken und Engagement internationaler Aktivistinnen 1945-1975. International Alliance of Women/Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. Centaurus Verlag, Herboltzheim 2006.

Bosch, Mineke & Kloosterman, Annemarie (eds), 1990: Politics and Friendship. Letters from the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, 1902-1942. –  Ohio State University Press. Columbus.

Arnold Whittick: Woman into Citizen. Athenaeum with Frederick Muller, London 1979.

Schweizerischer Verband für Frauenrechte/Association suisse pour les droits de la femme (Hg./éd.)Der Kampf um gleiche Rechte. Le combat pour les droits égaux.  Schwabe Verlag Basel 2009.

Jacqueline van Voris: Carrie Chapman Catt: A Public Life. The Feminist Press at the University of New York, 1987.

Victorian Historical Journal: Women’s Suffrage. Centenary Issue. Volume 79 No.2, November 2008.

Sigriður Th. Erlendsdóttir: Saga Koenréttindafélags Islands 1907-1992. Reykjavik 1993.

Ells, jour et nuit…. Wache Frauen wachen.  La Veille des femmes/Frauenwache. Photographies Hélène Tobler. Texte Diane Gilliard.  2004.

Vida Goldstein: Woman Suffrage in Australia. Re-published by the Victorian Women’s Trust, March 2008.

Indrani Iriyagolle: Women of Sri Lanka. A Historical Perspective. Reprinted from Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka 1989/1990.


International Alliance of Women and Danish Women’s Society: CEDAW Conference 25th – 31st Octber 1991. Aarhus, Denmark

International Alliance of Women and Danish Women’s Society: CEDAW Conference 31st October – 5th November 2001 :

Vingt-cinq ans de l‘Alliance Internationale pour le Suffrage et l’Action civique et politique des Femmes, 1904-1929. Edité par le Comité de l’Alliance, rédigé par Regina Deutsch, 1929.

International Alliance of Women: Report of the Fourteenth Congress, Interlaken, 1946.

International Alliance of Women 1902-1996. Report XXXth Triennial Congress, Calcutta, 1996.

Family Planning for All. 1995

The International Women’s News, Vol 30, No 9, June 1936.

Program of the Seventh Congress of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, Budapest 1913.

The Art of Suff-Rage, spring, winter 2008: Celebrating the Centenary of Women’s Suffrage in Victoria 1908-2008-

Council of Europe: Le droit de vote individuel des femmes. Une exigence démocratique. 2002, Réimprimé 2004.

Vingt-cinq ans de l‘Alliance Internationale pour le Suffrage et l’Action civique et politique des Femmes, 1904-1929. Edité par le Comité de l’Alliance, rédigé par Regina Deutsch, 1929.

International Alliance of Women: Report of the Fourteenth Congress, Interlaken, 1946.

International Alliance of Women 1902-1996. Report XXXth Triennial Congress, Calcutta, 1996.

Family Planning for All. 1995

The International Women’s News, Vol 30, No 9, June 1936.

Program of the Seventh Congress of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, Budapest 1913.

The Art of Suff-Rage, spring, winter 2008: Celebrating the Centenary of Women’s Suffrage in Victoria 1908-2008-

All India Women’s Conference: AIWC’s Initiative in achieving Milleniun development Goals (no date)

All India Women’s Conference: a general report. (no date)

Promo Femmes-Développement Solidarité: Rapport Général. Rencontre de l’Alliance Internationale des Femmes “Femmes, Égalité et Paix pour un développement humain durable”. Ouagadougou, 28 Octobre – 4 Novembre 2005, Burkina Faso.

Anje Wiersinga, M.D.:   International Alliance of Women: Wishes, Demands and Priorities of National and Regional Women’s Organisations in the MENA Region. Rabia el Morabet Belhaj, 2013 (2nd edition).

Soon-Young Yoon: Citizen of the World,- Soon-Young and the UN
Ewha Woman’s University Press 2021

An Inheritance  (-the memoirs of Dhanvanthi Rama Rao)
Publisher William Heinemann. 1977. 

IWSA Woman Suffrage in Practice 1913

List of DVDs

The March of the Women (Popular Edition in F, to be sung in Unison)
By Ethel Smyth, Mus Doc.
Price One Shilling and Sixpence net.
Greek Reprint

Courageous Women, Vrowenbelangen, Oct. 2008

Pictures IAW meetings in Switzerland 2009 3x

Pictures CSW54, New York 2010.

Banner, original negative and picture with daughter Sofia

IWN Centenary Edition, web and print versions

Bettina Corke: Together we lit up the Sky. Gandhi and Mandela in South Africa.

OHCHR Report 2012

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: CEDAW 25 years

UNESCO: Inclusive Education – the Way of the Future. 2008 (E, F)

Swiss Film: De la Cuisine au Parlement (F, E, D)

OSCE, OHCHR, COE, UNESCO: Human Rights Education in the School System of Europe, Central Asia and North America. A Compendium of Good Practice.

UNRISD: Gender Equality. Striving for Justice in an Unequal World.

Women Go Global. The United Nations and the International Women’s Movement 1945 – 2000.

50th Commission on the Status of Women: From Mexico City to Beijing.

INSTRAW, DCAF, OSCE: Gender & Security Sector Reform. 2008

EU Daphne, Austrian Red Cross: Breaking the Taboo 2. Violence against older women within Families. Trainer Handbook. 2011

Peter Sanders: The Art of Integration. 2010

UNODC: HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Treatment and Support in Prison Settings. A selection of reference documents. April 2009

ELFI (Enhancing Lives of Female Inmates): UN Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders. Draft.

UNICEF, Innocenti Research Centre: Innocenti Studies on Violence against Children.

UNECE, Committee for Trade, Industry and Enterprise Development. Norms, Standards and Practices for Trade Facilitation and International Business. September 2004.

Beijing+15 Regional Review Meeting, November 2009, Geneva. Conference Documents.

UN-INSTRAW: Making a difference in women’s lives.

IRIN (Integrated Regional Information Networks): Razor’s Edge. The Controversy of FGM.

FAO, Gender and Population Division. Breaking ground: present and future perspectives for women in agriculture. 2005

Vivendi environment: Contribution to the Earth Summit, Johannesburg, 2002 (E, F)

OSCE- ODIHR: Women in Politics. 2016.

UNESCO: Education for Holocaust Remembrance (E, F, SP).



List of archives/libraries, where IWSA/IAW material is stored. State of the art 2021 (to be continued)

IAW documents confirmed:

Library of Congress in Washington, Sophia Smith Collection, Smit College, Northampton, Ma 01063,  New York Public Library: 1st president Carrie Chapman Catt (1859-1947), Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America, Radcliff College.

John Rylands Library, University of Manchester: Date range: 1892-1920. Material by Mary Sheepshanks (1872-1958)[1], first paid secretary of the London office (opened 1913[2]) and second editor of “Jus Suffragii”.

The International Archives for Women (IIAV), Amsterdam, renamed Aletta, today Atria: Aletta Jacobs (1854-1929), second president of Dutch affiliate; Rosa Manus (1881-1943), IAW vice-president and co-founder of IIAV. An official agreement of acceptance of the IWSA/IAW archives was signed by the IIAV and former archives officer Marijke Peters on 15 September 2007.

The Fawcett Library, London, today part of the Women’s Library in London, received IAW archives stored in the London office after closure in 1989. Among them the papers of second IAW President Margery Corbett Ashby (1882-1981). As of 2012 to Library moved to the London School of Economics and Political Science, thus creating the Women’s Library @ LSE[3].

Marguerite Durand Library, Paris, has a collection of the French officers and French member organisations.

National Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet), section “women’s history”, Edith Anrep’s file

National Archives of Denmark (Rigsarkivet). When Kvindehisorisk Samling at the University Library of Aarhus University was closed, the archives were moved to Rigsarkivet. Has the archives of Padmini Casinader Christiansen and others.

Women’s Archives of the National Library of Iceland[4]

Gosteli-Archiv, Bern; Staatsarchiv in Basel-Stadt[5]; Sozialarchiv, Frauenarchiv St. Gallen[6]

 National Library of Australia, Canberra holds Pat Richardson’s archives, IAW Membership Secretary for 20 years.

From Anne Haskell’s survey of feminist resources[7]

Jessie Street National Women’s Library, Australia

Women’s Information Center RoSa, Belgium

Centre for Interdisciplinary Information on Women’s Studies (KVINFO), Danish National Women’s Library & Documentation Centre, Kobenhavn

Library on gender and equality, Athens

Italian Women’s Library, Bologna, Italy

Ariadne (Network of Women’s Studies and Documentation Centres) within the National Library, Vienna; Frida (Association for Women-specific Information and Documentation in Austria); Stichwort, archives of the movement of women and lesbians.

Institute of Woman Documentation Centre, Madrid


To be further investigated:

FFBIZ. Das feministische Archiv, Berlin.

Women’s Library and Information Centre Foundation, Istanbul

Swedens Women’s History Collection

[1] Sybil Oldfield: Spinsters of the Parish.

[2] 11, Adam Street, Adelphi, London W.C. ? Advertising Manager Miss F.L. Fuller. N.Y. Office 171, Madison Ave. The International Woman Suffrage News, September 1, 1917 (archives Weiss).

[3] Mail “From the suffragettes to Bridget Jones – Europe ‘s most extensive collection of women’s history comes to LSE”, 2012

[4] IWN 2/2011

[5] Irmgard Rimondini

[6] Jessica Kehl-Lauff

[7] IWN 1/1998, 1/2006