The History of NGO CSW NY

Illustrated Review of the Work of the NGO CSW NY since its founding in 1972

Commons Photo Source: NGO CSW NY Website

International Alliance of Women is proud to present to its membership an excellent and thorough history of NGO CSW NY with detailed discussion of the times when IAW members Kay Fraleigh and then Soon-Young Yoon guided the organisation to ever greater influence and strength as active, creative and competent chairs.
In it you will discover that our Honorary President Rosy Weiss was also Chair of the NGO CSW Vienna.
With more digging in the links one finds that before 2015 IAW representatives Irmgard Rimondini and Erika Bopp were Vice-President and Treasurer of NGO CSW Geneva respectively.

Enjoy browsing through this worthwhile read, perhaps in preparation for CSW68?


2 responses

  1. Thank you for this contact. I am getting on ( age 85) but have wonderful memories of going to the UN -NY & sometimes to UN-Geneva . Oh those Geneva bomb shelter bunk beds! Very inexpensive. Kay Frayleigh introduced me to the Geneva folks such as Edith Ballantyne. I was inspired to take interested Canadian women with me. Consequently 30+ times took small teams of Canadian peace women with me.
    In peace , Janis Alton
    Past Co-Chair , Canadian Voice of Women for Peace ( founded in 1960)

  2. It is a pleasure to hear from you, Janis.
    At the upcoming CSW68 we will be meeting with Joy Hurst, president of the Canadian Federation of University Women, an IAW Affiliate and members of the delegation. The IAW – Canadian women connection continues to be fruitful.
    Unfortunately inexpensive quarters in Geneva are hard to come by these days.

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