The destinies of women are unique, diverse, worth telling, worth seeing, worth being made accessible to a broader audience through a film. Who can capture the fate of women more sensitively and convincingly on film than women themselves?
In 2001 LUNAFEST was launched as the first travelling film festival which offered women filmmakers a platform for their creative art. The success is remarkable. Over the years the number of contributing filmmakers has added up to 170, while the number of annual screenings of artistic short films has risen to 200. Fundraising on the occasion of these events summed up to over $6 Mio and serve local women’s causes.
Even in times of a global pandemic, LUNAFEST did not stop performing. Virtual events are scheduled on an almost daily basis during this spring.
The affiliate Canadian Federation of University Women (Charitable Trust of CFUW A/N) and Soroptimist sponsored the online film performance on March 12th held upon a celebration of International Women’s day.