The commitments held in the Beijing Platform for Action are still to be implemented

The IAW held its board meeting in Sion from October 3 to 5  2014 Beijing20

IAW is of the view that the Beijing+20 Review takes place at a historic moment when major international efforts to advance human advancement and human rights converge.

Although the Beijing Platform for Action has been repeatedly reaffirmed, its commitments have not yet been fully implemented.

One reason is that the Millennium Development Goals do not tackle structural issues, in particular macroeconomic and financial policies which affect the realization of women’s human rights.

The new sustainable paradigm should strive for the full promotion and protection of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights for all and have women’s human rights at its core.

Another more important reason for the lack of implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the Millennium Development Goals is the absence of accountability concerning women’s human rights.

Accountability is the obligation of those in authority to take responsibility for their actions, to answer for these actions and their impact on those  that are affected , and to be subject to   sanctions if their conduct or explanation is found wanting.

Accountability is about monitoring the effectiveness of local, national, regional or international policies and  providing data to improve these policies.

Accountability means giving people the possibility to address the barriers that affect progress in their communities and lives,  and to remove these barriers  with the support of  the public sector and other agencies.

The IAW will work for the implementation of participatory monitoring and accountability mechanisms that will make possible the fulfillment of promises held in the Beijing Platform for Action and the Post 2015 Development Agenda, hoping that this time commitments by duty bearers will prove credible.