IAW Communications Unit

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Our Videos on YouTube

Have you seen our videos on our YouTube Channel? We recently uploaded two of our parallel events from the CSW66: WOMEN, PEACE & CLIMATE CHANGE

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Peace 4 Ukraine image with Ukranian flag and the peace dove

Urgent Call for Action

Sign the Statement this Weekend SIGN IT NOW! As a participant of the parallel event organized by Ukrainian women on the final day of CSW

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Peace 4 Ukraine image with Ukranian flag and the peace dove

Lay down your arms!

IAW Statement, 2022/02/26 By Acting President Marion Böker & Convenor of the IAW Peace Commission Heide Schütz International Alliance of Women expresses its strongest solidarity

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This picture is the banner of 2022 Commission on the status of women CSW 66 https://www.unwomen.org/en/csw/csw66-2022


Parallel events organised by IAW, by IAW in collaboration with other organisationsor by organisations affiliated to IAW Source of this picture: https://www.unwomen.org/en/csw/csw66-2022 Alone: Building Paths

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