Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Activities around TPNW

On July 7, 2017, the United Nations Conference adopted the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) by 122 votes in favour, one against and one abstention.

More details are found on the overview page of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – UNODA (United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs).

TPNW has received more attention since the Russian Federation threatened to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine. Some UN member states have announced that they will follow the Russian Federation and are no more interested in the Treaty. It is up to us to work for a strong alliance of states parties to end the production and use of nuclear weapons, which bring no profit and only cause long-term damage to humanity and nature worldwide for generations.

After several postponements, the first Conference of States Parties to the TPNP will take place in Vienna from 21 to 23 June 2022.

More information (Flyer and Agenda in German language!) about the TPNW Conference:

UN Conference Flyer

Speakers at the NGO TPNW Conference

Agenda of the NGO TPNW Conference


More information about TPNW


Don’t Normalise Nuclear Weapons and War— Abolish Them


1st TPNW Conference of States Parties: a new opportunity for Spain to show its commitment to nuclear disarmament (


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