Cameroon has a long road ahead regarding advancement of children’s rights. In fact, important progress is to be made in the areas of right to health, education, identity… When it comes to talk also about poverty, child marriage, female genital mutilation, detention of minors, children are also involved negatively.
Across many areas of the developing world, and in Cameroon specially, children live in a situation of vulnerability and are exposed to a combination of systematic discrimination based on age and social status, education and health. The girl-child faces double disadvantages because of gender discrimination at the household and community level. These vulnerabilities are even stronger in rural areas, where poverty, traditions and lack of infrastructure and services prevail.
Our organization has put in place since 2010 several programs in the areas of education, child early marriage, female genital mutilation, health, eradication of poverty and right to identity such as:
• A program that aims to reduce vulnerability of the girl child in poor rural areas in the western part of Cameroon.
• A child funding program through which we ask people to become a child sponsor and help give a needy child a good education, shelter, good food and nutrition, clothing, health care and a safe and loving environment to live in.
for this school year that is starting on the 1st September, we are seeking individuals, families, churches, organizations, friends and well-wishers from all over the world to consider sponsoring orphans and vulnerable children with a financial donation of €50 per children and we have 100 children to sponsor this year.
• We are looking for a way to establish a long lasting child sponsorship program to assure a bright future to vulnerable children. We wish to invest in the young children’s education and skills development by providing educational scholarships to bright and promising children and youth in Cameroon to further their education up to university level
• We have been carrying out campaigns to eradicative child marriage and female genital mutilation in partnership with others local NGOs and the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family
• We help poor mothers to have an income generating activities that can enable them to take good care of their children and we focus our education talks with single mothers on child labor because we have amongst those poor mothers, many that are sending children to the street to go an beg for money or to sell goods to bring back money for food.
• We organize also educational talks with mothers in rural areas on how to prevent some diseases such as diarrheas, cholera, malaria with the collaboration of some health services/ we support some rural health centers with first aid drugs and other needs that can help to take good care of children. We encourage mothers to vaccinate their children through also educational talks.
• As far as the right to identity is concerned, since 2011, we have allowed 128 children from poor families in rural areas to exist by helping them to have a birthday certificate
• Besides theses programs and activities, we keep on giving smile and hope to vulnerable children daily and organizing advocacy campaigns for a better Cameroon for all children.
Get in touch with us : PO BOX 35303 Yaounde – Cameroon
Office : +237 22 04 81 83 / Mobile : +237 75 48 42 25 / Email :
Website :