The Josephine Butler Society continues exerting pressure on government and nongovernmental institutions, in order to help and protect prostitutes. Most sex workers are not free agents but operate under duress, sometimes in conditions amounting to slavery. Occupational hazards include murder, rape, torture, mutilation, involvement in crime, pornography and addictions. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 moved public health management to the control of Local Authorities. The JBS held a seminar in March last year entitled “Local Authorities’ Public Health: Sex Worker Projects” In October 2014 the JBS AGM took place at the House of Lords, under the auspices of our Patron, Baroness Sue Miller. At the same meeting, Helen Mathers launched her biography “Josephine Butler – Patron Saint of Prostitutes” A truly informative insight into her courage and vision in addressing some of the iniquities of life in Victorian England and Europe. We meet roughly five time a year in Central London and would welcome more members on our committee. An added interest is the possibility of attendance at relevant conferences. For more information please see our website and/or contact Sally Cass at