Report from India – Dr Manju Kak
The All India Women’s Conference has a long history on issues of Peace, Diversity and Communal Harmony, especially when the nation was partitioned into India and Pakistan and refugees flooded our refugee camp. Recognising the Diversity in this nation our Founding fathers also incorporated many Directive Principles of State Policy that emphasized on respect to all communities, religions, cultures and genders.
The AIWC Mission statement states its mandate to work for the values of Communal Harmony, Peace and Co-existence.
Deepak Chopra writes, “the urge to fight and to turn competitors into enemies, nations into armed fortresses, and everyone into winners and losers won’t save a planet that needs emergency medicine.” This choice involves a conscious decision, and when enough people ( men and women) make the decision, the world will change. This is the dominant challenge for humanity. Maybe this virus will provide just this medicine, force us to acknowledge without “Universal co-dependence and co-existence,” the Planet will not survive.
Since the past year through Covid times, the All India Women’s Conference worked through our 10 Zones spreading the message of Peace in these difficult and troubled times.
In continuation of that work we are happy to announce again our extended partnership with the
National Foundation for Communal Harmony for the rest of 21-22, in organizing 3 National Webinars. The subjects we have chosen are Peace within ourselves, our families communities and organizations and the outside world.
- “Unity in Diversity” addressed by Shivani, a famous TV presenter and philosopher of the spiritual sect of Bramha Kumaris, 22nd September, 2021.
- “Celebrating Gandhi – The practice of Non Violence as a vehicle for Peace. By Prof SR Bhatt, ex President, Indian Council for Philosophical Research, & Chair Indian Philosophical Congress & Radha behn Bhatt, Gandhian environmental activist, national awardee, – 4th Oct, 2021. A message was also delivered by Marion Boeker, Executive Vice President IAW.
- “ Womens’ Struggle – a continuing Legacy.” To be held on 20th, 2021.
- In addition we will be conducting 6 Workshops/Seminars/ Cultural events throughout India at Colleges and Universities with the theme of Universal Tolerance and Peace.
In addition we will be taking up 2 regional training programs on the theme “ Unity & Harmony – Women’s Empowerment.” For 2022.