Sexual Harassment in Higher Education
The UN Member States are supposed to submit periodical reports to the CEDAW Committee to assess the progress made by the different countries concerning the Status of Women . Renée GERARD from France worked on the Shadow report ( the one presented by the NGOs as a mirror to reflect the opinion of the civil society on the same subject ). Working on Article 10 EDUCATION and the discrimination still existing against women in higher education, she came across a form of violence against women that is often ignored or silenced: sexual harassment against students especially women students. Often it is argued that graduate women should be able to refuse these kinds of advances, but this ignores the fact that many are in a dependent economic position , and consequently vulnerable persons
Her research shows the abuse of power by some university professors and the quasi impunity when this is discovered, because the institutions want to avoid scandal: the harassment of girl students in schools of higher education especially military schools ,naval academies, some engineering schools traditionally dominated by a male membership
This situation is not unique for one country, and as a feminist organization IAW would like to get more testimonies from our members and others about the extent and the measures taken against this terrible discrimination and violence.