A new team of three IAW members are working hard in Rome for women worldwide as producers and consumers of food, for “zero hunger!” and against the growing feminization of poverty. It is our pleasure to support the work of FAO, WFP and CFS and the new Director General, whose first speech in 2019 follows below:
Handover Ceremony at FAO
Speech by H.E. Qu Dongyu, Incoming Director-General
Director-General Graziano, Dear Brother
Excellencies, Distinguished Representatives to FAO
Colleagues, Friends,
In my speech at the Conference, I spoke about my long journey coming to Rome to make history.
Today we are doing our great Organization justice, and we are paying tribute to the institutional strength of FAO by finalizing a transition process that was transparent, constructive and very positive.
Today, you are witnessing the first official handover ceremony held at FAO for the position of the Director-General.
This handover ceremony is a testament to the continuity of FAO’s leadership.
It is a clear sign that the incoming and the outgoing DGs of FAO share the same respect for this organization, its mission and its mandate.
The ceremony of today is also a tribute to the strong support this Organization is receiving from its Members.
I am convinced that this ceremony is the beginning of a significant and exemplary tradition, which I intend to continue.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Allow me to take a moment and thank Professor Graziano Da Silva, who has served this organization for the last 13 years. First as FAO’s regional representative for Latin America and the Caribbean and since 2012 as Director-General, he contributed substantially to the success of FAO with his knowledge and insight. I deeply respect him for that and as a new DG, I will certainly learn from his wisdom and experience.
I would also like to express my gratitude to Prof. Graziano for the smooth transition process and the excellent exchanges and discussions we had, since my election.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I intend to work for an FAO that applies modern science and technology and adopts innovative approaches.
An organization that identifies new ways to improve performance and delivery, by digitalizing our activities, by intensifying our collaboration with academia, research centres and the private sector; and many other steps that I intend to take.
I strongly believe that the main asset of FAO is its staff. I will work hand in hand with them, listen to them and lead by example.
I would like to recognize the staff of this Organization, who work here at headquarters and around the globe for a better tomorrow and a world without hunger. My deep respect to you for all your contributions.
Special attention will be given to the youth at FAO. Our young staff are the future of the Organization and the hope of a modern and thriving agricultural sector. They are the future of humankind.
At the same time, we strongly value the experience of our senior staff. As a knowledge organization, we cherish their wisdom and expertise gained through years of hard work. Them teaching the next generation of FAO staff is fundamental.
As new Director-General, I plan to take necessary measures, in order to elevate staff morale, make FAO more dynamic and further increase the satisfaction of our members with our work and delivery.
I strongly believe that this is achievable, by establishing dialogue, building trust, increasing efficiency and focusing on accountability.
My goal is to make this Organization more dynamic, transparent and inclusive in the coming 4 years.
Distinguished Delegates,
I thank all of you for the strong support and encouragement you have shown me so far. If you have any advice or suggestions please feel free to share it with me at any time.
Thank you,