women’s human rights

Keeping girls in school during menstruation

At the IAW 37th Congress,10 resolutions were adopted on the following issues: Justice for Victims of ISIL, Protecting Women’s and Girls’ Fundamental Rights, Peace Treaty for Korea, Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting, Keeping Girls in School during Menstruation, New Tools to Support and Educate girls in Emerging Markets, Burma: Fundamental Rights of Women and Girls, Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security, Call for Full Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, Implementation of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

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IAW nominates Sizani Ngubane for the Jaime Brunet 2017 Award

IAW nominates Sizani Ngubane for her lifelong commitment to the human rights of the poorest and most marginalized women and girls in South Africa, for her courage, her humanity, her dedication, her warmth, her persistence and her insistence that these women and girls are entitled to live full lives enjoying their full human rights as women and girls

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Dubravka Simonovic
IAW around the world

Fighting Deadly Togetherness

Femicide is globally recognized as one of the gravest violations of human rights and gender-based killings as the most serious form of gender-based violence. Report from a symposium held in Vienna on International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women

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A life free of violence is a Human Right.

Statement on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and as a support for the EWL Turkish delegation’s protest letters concerning persecution of NGOs in Turkey including women’s and feminist NGOs.

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Women of Power

The women’s movement must demand a new development model that is not based solely on economic growth but prioritizes people over profits as well as social solidarity.

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