The United Nations shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs.” (Charter of the United Nations,Article 8)
The United Nations (UN), an organization grounded in the principle of respect for equal rights and with a self-prescribed goal of achieving gender equality, “particularly at the Professional level,” has never seriously considered a woman for its top post of UN Secretary-General.Though the post has historically rotated to ensure that every geographical region gets a “turn,” thousands of more than qualified women from all over the world have never had a chance at a “turn.”
On 27 April discussions will begin on the nomination process for next years’ election, a process that is overseen by the UN Security Council and which has been shrouded in secrecy and confusion since 1945. Without women’s equal access to positions of decision-making power and a clear process to get there, gender equality, global security and peace will never be realized.
Right now, there is an opportunity to change this. Help us make equality reality at the highest global levels. Join the global campaign for a woman UN Secretary-General in 2016 and help spread the word: it is ast #TimeforaWomanSG to lead the UN!