The Istanbul Convention i.e. the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence enters into force on August 1.
Violence against women is a human rights offense: Nevertheless this takes place at many levels and in all countries . Violence against women has many forms such as sexual harassment, sexual violence, rape, forced marriage, physical, sexual and psychological abuse by intimate partners etc. To this you may add female genital mutilation, forced abortions, which all go to show the diversity of the cruel and degrading treatment that women are exposed to
The Istanbul Convention is the first instrument at the European level which addresses violence against women. It is an impressive accomplishment of the European Women’s Movement including the International Alliance of Women.
However, there is still a long way to go. Strong implementation and commitment of governments is needed to effectively work towards preventing and combating violence against women and their children.
To know more, go to the Council of Europe website: