
IAW Newsletter December 2015

In the December Newsletter from IAW, Lyna Castillo-Javier reports from the official commemoration of the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

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President Joanna Manganara evaluates the UN ECE NGO Forum

In the 21st century women and girls continue to fear and face male violence and see new forms of violence and abuse being used against them and legitimized by the system. This includes violence in the name of tradition, religion or culture, the trivialization of the sex and pornography industry, and cyber harassment and bullying.

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A forward looking approach to the Beijing Platform for Action

IAW will work for the adoption and implementation of participatory monitoring and accountability mechanisms that will make possible the fulfillment of promises held in the Beijing Platform for Action and the post 2015 Development Agenda hoping that this time commitments by duty bearers will prove credible.

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