Why I became a feminist
Elizabeth Lee, 17 years old and South Korean, tells why she became a feminist.
Elizabeth Lee, 17 years old and South Korean, tells why she became a feminist.
International Alliance of Women urges women to provide input to the call for information on (lack of) implementation of regional and international standards on violence against women
The travel ban for Mozn Hassan is an example of the shrinking space for Civil Society in many countries, including Egypt. IAW is very worried
Saturday, March 12, 2016 was a sad day in Cameroon: a pregnant woman called Monique Koumate was left to die on the steps of a reference hospital in Cameroon because she had no money to pay for treatment as relatives tried in vain to deliver twins alive. CEFAP immediately decided to launch a project to save at least poor pregnant women
Numbers aren’t enough. Women must also have meaningful access and influence.
There can be no sustainable development without respect for the fundamental rights of individuals, starting with the right of women to exercise free control over their body.
Statement by the President of IAW
IAW holds human rights to be inalienable and indivisible for all human beings
Women must have the right to their bodily integrity. Women’s human rights must come before a supposed right for parents to have children. Children always have the right to have parents but there is no human right for parents to have children.
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Founded in 1904 and based in Geneva, the International Alliance of Women (IAW) is an international NGO comprising 44 member organizations involved in the promotion of the human rights of women and girls globally. The IAW has general consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and is accredited to many specialized UN agencies, has participatory status with the Council of Europe and is represented at the Arab League, the African Union and other international organizations.