IAW has signed this Joint Open Letter on Threat to CEDAW Session
Joint Open Letter on Threat to CEDAW Session 7 June 2019 To Permanent Representatives to the United Nations in Geneva and New York Antonio Guterres,
Joint Open Letter on Threat to CEDAW Session 7 June 2019 To Permanent Representatives to the United Nations in Geneva and New York Antonio Guterres,
Political and legal context: Chapter 1, Article 1.3 of the United Nations Charter identifies one of the organization’s purpose is to achieve international cooperation through
The women’s movement must demand a new development model that is not based solely on economic growth but prioritizes people over profits as well as social solidarity.
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world.
There is no reason for optimism however; in the draft Agreed Conclusions of CSW 2016, it says that no country has yet achieved gender equality.
So women keep advocating for equality!
“Cities have the ability to innovate and measure rapid change, even when national governments cannot—or will not—take action.” Soon-Young Yoon, IAW representative to the UN in New York, at UN Women Stakeholders’ Forum 2016
The 2015 report of the Working Group on Discrimination against Women in Law and Practice is a radical accusation against patriarchy. Human Rights Council resolutions – threaten to undermine international achievements in the field of human rights in the name of cultural and religious diversity.
Greater representation of women in government and decision making process.
We have the legal framework:
UN SCR 1325 (2000)
General Recommendation 30
We deplore that 20 years after the 1995 Beijing Conference , in most countries including the Philippines, gender inequality remains pervasive economically, politically and socially, . Women continue to suffer from authoritarian and military regimes, increased militarisation, violence and armed conflicts, unlawful foreign interference, lack of fundamental freedoms and human rights violations, corruption and poor governance, development injustice, and discrimination
You can support the work for women and girls in a tangible way:
donate to the IAW today.
Founded in 1904 and based in Geneva, the International Alliance of Women (IAW) is an international NGO comprising 44 member organizations involved in the promotion of the human rights of women and girls globally. The IAW has general consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and is accredited to many specialized UN agencies, has participatory status with the Council of Europe and is represented at the Arab League, the African Union and other international organizations.