gender violence

Dubravka Simonovic
IAW around the world

Fighting Deadly Togetherness

Femicide is globally recognized as one of the gravest violations of human rights and gender-based killings as the most serious form of gender-based violence. Report from a symposium held in Vienna on International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women

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A life free of violence is a Human Right.

Statement on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and as a support for the EWL Turkish delegation’s protest letters concerning persecution of NGOs in Turkey including women’s and feminist NGOs.

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Violence against indigenous women and girls

Lyda Verstegen reports from thesession of the Human Rights Council SEptember 2016 of the need for all countries having indigenous people to develop national action plans to prevent violence against indigenous women and girls

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Call for action

International Alliance of Women urges women to provide input to the call for information on (lack of) implementation of regional and international standards on violence against women

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Evaluation of CSW 60

Mainstreaming gender equality, women’s and girls’ human rights and the empowerment of women in the entire 2030 Agenda is not enough to achieve the transformative changes that the 2030 Agenda must ensure.

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