Joanna Manganara


Meeting the challenges of Donald Trump’s new era

Women must build a radical movement that is based on a genuine re-distributive agenda. This agenda should also include policies that fight institutionalized racism, economic inequality, climate change and gender inequality and violations of women’s human rights.

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Child Marriage – a practice driven by poverty

Every year 15 millions girls get married before the age of 18. In 2016, child marriage still remains a global issue. Primarily driven by poverty and economic status, the practice also relies on cultural, traditional and religious motives.

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Women of Power

The women’s movement must demand a new development model that is not based solely on economic growth but prioritizes people over profits as well as social solidarity.

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Hillary Clinton has shattered the glass ceiling

We have a candidate for the US presidency that is not only showing that she has real political will to make a difference concerning the needs and rights of all women, but she is also committed to the full implementation of these rights.

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Corporations and Globalization – Women’s Human Rights

Globalization may have resulted in new avenues of growth, but it has also created the widest gap in history between the very rich and the very poor, with a very negative impact on women. Moreover it has increased dramatically the power of multinational corporations as agents in the international development field. But can corporations be a force of empowerment for women?

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Call for action

International Alliance of Women urges women to provide input to the call for information on (lack of) implementation of regional and international standards on violence against women

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