Joanna Manganara

Women and Terrorism

This article will briefly explore the possible roles Western women can occupy in ISIS society. It will look at their motivations for leaving their home country, and it will consider the treatment of women by ISIS from a human rights’ perspective by taking a look at the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000).

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President's letter

WOMEN DOMESTIC WORKERS: Undervalued, Unprotected, Invisible

Unpaid and paid care and domestic work are deeply interrelated: they both stem from gender-based social norms and practices. In other words, household and care tasks are still predominantly seen as a “women’s job” and underpaid, if paid at all. To change the situation, the recognition of the social significance and economic value of care and domestic work should be at the top of the agenda for gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.

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Evaluation of CSW61

The shrinking space for civil society at the UN and more generally in the world was at the centre of discussions among NGOs at this year’s CSW

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