Joanna Manganara


Contribution of IAW to the Consultations regarding the relationship between the NGOs and the UN.

The questions to which IAW has answered are the following:
How can NGOs further contribute to the work of ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies?
What are the most efficient modalities for NGOs to contribute to the United Nations policy-making, be recognized and be influential in these processes?
What in your organization’s view should be done to provide better support to NGOs during the process of obtaining consultative status with ECOSOC?
How can the participation of NGOs from developing countries and countries with economies in transition in UN’s work be increased?
Once the consultative status is granted to organizations, how best can NGOs access the opportunities given to them to take part in UN processes?

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President’s Letter CSW 62

In her President’s Newsletter of June 2018 President Joanna Manganara sums up a number of points of discussion during the intergovernmental meetings at CWS62. She also evaluates the Agreed Conclusions 2019

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The Situation of Women in Prison

Prison can indeed be assimilated to a “house of men”, that is to say, in line with the definition given by Maurice Godelier (1982), a monosexual space contributing to the production and consolidation of masculine identity and privileges that are attached to it.

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