

Meeting the challenges of Donald Trump’s new era

Women must build a radical movement that is based on a genuine re-distributive agenda. This agenda should also include policies that fight institutionalized racism, economic inequality, climate change and gender inequality and violations of women’s human rights.

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Veena Kohli speaking at CSW59

AIWC: Economic Empowerment of Women – side event at CSW59

AIWC President Mrs. Veena Kohli: In India poverty is multi-dimensional social problem. Causes of poverty are many like -unemployment and underemployment, lack of property rights, dependence on agriculture, high population growth rate, caste system, corruption and above all holding of financial resources in the hands of males.

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Why the Future of Economics and Economic Development Must Be Feminist

Side event organized and sponsored by by International Alliance of Women (IAW), during the Commission on the Status of Women, in New York, March 13, 2015. The side-event gathered a panel of feminist economists to reflect on how insights from feminist economics can inform policies and contribute to the realization of women’s social and economic rights.

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A forward looking approach to the Beijing Platform for Action

IAW will work for the adoption and implementation of participatory monitoring and accountability mechanisms that will make possible the fulfillment of promises held in the Beijing Platform for Action and the post 2015 Development Agenda hoping that this time commitments by duty bearers will prove credible.

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