

World Contraception Day

On World Contraception Day IAW wishes to congratulate Melinda Gates on her decison to devote the rest of her life to improve access to family planning all over the globe. We hope the global movement launched at the Family Planning Summit will succeed in giving an additional 120 million women in the world’s poorest countries access to lifesaving family planning information, services and supplies by 2020.

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Women’s rights and non-state terrorist groups

The international community must join efforts to stop the systematic violation of women’s human rights perpetrated by ISIS and other non-state actors. It is not only a women’s issue but also a complex emergency and a growing threat to international peace and security.
Statement by Zonta International and endorsed by numerous international women’s organizations incl. IAW

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Human Rights Council

Discrimination of women in law and practice

The 2015 report of the Working Group on Discrimination against Women in Law and Practice is a radical accusation against patriarchy. Human Rights Council resolutions – threaten to undermine international achievements in the field of human rights in the name of cultural and religious diversity.

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IAW on Habitat III: A human rights framework must shape all issue papers

Women are key decision-makers concerning economic and social rights related to food security, biodiversity, cultural heritage, migration, energy consumption and family size. They also play critical roles in the use of water, energy and natural resources and finding climate solutions. They have a specific role in the urban ecology as managers of household energy.

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cities for cedaw

Cities for CEDAW Campaign

At the Mayors’ Roundtable held on 18 June in San Francisco , Soon-Young Yoon made welcome remarks and talked about the Cities for CEDAW Campaign. It all began in San Francisco, and now other cities are following the example of San Francisco

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